Cash Cash to Perform Live Concert Feb 13th

American electronic music group Cash Cash will be performing live in concert at Longboards Saturday, February 13th as part of a Mardi Gras celebration launch party.

Doors open at 9pm. 18+ to enter. 21+ to drink. VIP service available. This event will sell out, so get advance tickets online by clicking here or by clicking the image below. Tickets are also available at Longboards.

Cash Cash consists of three DJs: brothers Jean Paul Makhlouf, Alex Makhlouf and Samuel Frisch. They produce, record, mix and master all their music together as a trio. 

The group’s highest-charting song to date is “Take Me Home”, which features vocals by Bebe Rexha. The group has released four full-length albums, an array of EPs, singles, and provided official remixes for acts such as Krewella, Capital Cities, Kelly Clarkson, Katy Perry and Bruno Mars.

3,166 thoughts on “Cash Cash to Perform Live Concert Feb 13th”

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    Fellowship of the Ring When the cards are dealt, each player gets six cards and must discard two, which go into the crib — the extra hand from which the dealer can score points. So, to avoid upsetting your fellow players and ensure the cards you use at your upcoming poker games are of good quality, read on to find out everything you need to know about the best playing cards for poker. After the poker game, people play their cards in sequence. The twist is there’s a “ghost” hand dealt, and cards from this hand cannot be played. There’s a chance you won’t be able to complete a sequence because one of the preceding cards is in the ghost hand. In the century that followed, Bicycle Playing Cards continued to explode in popularity and even played roles in historical events such as World War II. During the war, Bicycle partnered with the U.S. Government to send specially fabricated decks of cards to American prisoners of war in Germany, which contained secret maps of escape routes hidden within them. Today, Bicycle Playing Cards continue to sell well and are known for including their signature trademarks on the Ace of Spades card. Bicycle produces many different types of playing cards, including themed cards, tarot cards, and other card games.

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