Club Lavela has announced their Spring Break 2015 Concert Lineup!
Each year, thousands of Spring Breakers come to the ‘Largest Night Club in the USA’ to party and enjoy the entertainment.
Please make note of the following performances and their dates:
Feb 28 – Bone Thugs & Harmony
March 3 – Far East Movement
March 8 – Slander (daytime)
March 8 – GrandTheft (nighttime)
March 9 – Waka Floka Flame
March 10 – Cash Cash
March 12 – Borgore
March 13 – Pegboard Nerds
March 15 – Vicetone
March 15 – Caked Up
March 16 – Lil Jon
March 17 – T-Pain
March 19 – Chainsmokers
March 20 – Borgeous
March 22 – Scooter & Lavelle
March 24 – Juicy J
March 26 – Shaggy
March 31 – Rae Sremmurd
More information can be found at
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